Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sept 08

Thank the Lord that we made it to London at 7:00 AM on September 10th. We just got our internet going today!!! It only took a month! Wow! It's been a great journey here & we thank the Lord for all that He has already done here since we arrived.


heidi said...

We're praying for you!! Looks like you're getting settled in. Enjoyed the new pictures=). ~heidi schatz

Jennie Bender said...

So glad to find your blog! I hope you get all moved and settled quickly! Have a wonderful day!

Empty Arms Held High said...

Hey! Yes, let's get together!! You are more than welcome to stay in our home if you would like to spend the night. I am looking forward to meeting you and chatting about England. God bless!

Unknown said...

The kiddos are so big! I loved the photo of you and hubby with Big Ben in the background!